Replacing the starter switch on a Ford 600 tractor
My old Ford tractor came to me with a lot of problems. Since it is a working tool, I just did the bare minimum to get it running and working. One of those things was bypassing the original starter switch that did not work. The downside of that modification was that the tractor would start in any gear and was a bit unsafe if I was spraying either in the carb to get it to start and pressing the starter switch. I was nearly run over a few times.
I began by ordering a new switch. I got this one:

To change the switch I had to remove the transmission cover. I did this by placing the shifter in neutral and removing the bolts.

I then clamped the cover in a vise and pried back the nut retaining tab on the nut. I then carefully removed the big nut that holds the switch in place and the retaining clip. I then threaded in the new switch and installed the nut. I reused the old nut instead of using the new one that came with the switch. I then bent down a tab on the locking clip. I then reinstalled the cover.

Next, I had to swap the starter solenoid. That was the main reason I had not made this repair earlier as the tractor had the wrong solenoid installed. I found one in my box of spares that had the correct connections and replaced it with that one. I think it came from an old Jeep.

The correct solenoid has a connection for power and a separate connection to ground the low side of the solenoid through the starter switch. The one that came on the tractor grounded through the bracket and only had a trigger terminal that had to be hot to trigger.
Now the tractor starts at the push of the correct button. And the button will only press when the shift lever is lined up in neutral. It should be safer now.